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Business Locations

How does my company location get a fiber optic connection even as an individual company?


1. As a company located in an existing industrial area:

First, we will check your current contract and telecommunications connection. If your company and at least two other companies in your designated industrial area have connection rates below a certain threshold, public funding is the best opportunity for you. The threshold is defined as the number of internet-connected computers multiplied by 30 Mbit/s plus another 30 Mbit/s for administrative purposes.

Example: You have 10 employees with network-connected computers: So the broadband threshold is 330 Mbit/s. As they currently may be connected via standard copper cables, their broadband speed is limited to 50 Mbit/s: Thus, they are eligible through public funding programmes!

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How does my company location get a fiber optic connection even as an individual company?

2. As a company located in a remote area:

First we will check your current connection and contract. If, in addition to your company, there are not at least two other companies in your industrial area with connections below the funding threshold, we will check individual development concepts: - An example: You are located in a residential or mixed area with slow connections. We check the next possible fibre optic access point (whereby we have access to a database with over 60,000 km of fibre optic locations) and calculate the costs of a direct house connection. Together with providers, we then select the most favourable package for you from one-off access costs and running provider costs. This is usually much cheaper than expected by most companies.

3. Your company already has a fibre optic connection and the price is too high?

Especially at the beginning of the fiber optic expansion, sometimes very high prices were demanded for the fiber optic products, particularly for remote locations. The more the fibre optic expansion progresses, the more the prices decrease. So you are the right customer for our contract management. From the experience of thousands of implemented fibre optic connections we have a very good expertise in contractual negotiations of telecommunication fibre optic connections, i.e. the conditions for one-off access fees and monthly provider costs. In this context, we offer to negotiate the conditions of a fibre-optic connection with suitable providers in the region and at the same time draft a new provider contract for the telecommunications connections. We are confident that the new contract package will lead to a significant cost reduction compared to the existing conditions. Incidentally, this also applies if no broadband funding is possible.

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