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Network Planning

Network planning

MICUS supports districts and municipalities in Germany in the provision of fast internet connections. We see ourselves as a mediator, intependent from providers, between technical possibilities and economic interests. We focus on a holistic clarification of all strategic, infrastructural and financial questions of broadband expansion. We have particular expertise in the construction of conduit and fiber optic networks for NGA (Next Generation Access) solutions. We develop integrated master plans and network concepts for broadband expansion for our customers, thus creating a basis for the future-oriented development of districts and municipalities. From our analysis of supply, infrastructure and demand, to our detailed FTTC/FTTB/FTTH network planning and profitability calculations up to the municipal level, our customers receive all the important data necessary to obtain funding for projects from the "Federal and State Funding to Support Broadband Expansion in the Federal Republic of Germany".
"Fibre networks are axpanded according to our plans!"

We have already carried out planning in more than 150 districts and municipalities with several million inhabitants and an investment volume of over € 1.3 billion. We develop the most cost-effective solution for connecting your town, industrial estate, hotels, training centre, hospital or mobile phone network.

In addition to knowledge of the broadband market, MICUS‘ success include close cooperation with all those involved in the local authorities and business development agencies, the utilities and the citizens.
Our master plans do not remain on a theoretical level, but provide clear, directly implementable recommendations for action. Experience has shown that our recommendations have been accepted and successfully implemented by political actors. Our market studies and our project work at municipal, national and international level have enabled us to develop a valuable network of expertise. MICUS has successfully specialised in acting as an independent mediator between the public sector and private enterprises.

Contact us today to built your customised broadband master plan!

Rough planning to create the basics

Rough network planning creates the basis for decision-making processes for the expansion of the broadband network in your region and, thus, answers fundamental questions. How many kilometers of constructions are necessary for the expansion of a project area and where does the broadband network run? How do I connect the network to the backbone infrastructure as cost-effectively as possible? What kind of pipe networks and how many distribution stations are necessary? How do I integrate existing infrastructure into the network planning?
At MICUS, we have developed our own tools that answer these questions and enable efficient, reliable and cost-effective NGA planning. The MICUS Fiber Finder serves to identify the optimal backbone connection and takes existing infrastructure into account. The MICUS Leerrohr-Navigator assesses the design of the conduit network and an optimal route planning. As a result, the rough planning forms the essential basis for an initial well-founded cost estimate of the fibre-optic network. Our tool Breitband-WErT is used to calculate and analyse the profitability of broadband projects. We use our tools in all broadband projects in a targeted manner in order to achieve optimum results for our customers.

Detailed planning, which creates the basis for development

In the detailed planning phase, an in-depth fibre optic plan is drawn up for a project area. Through a semi-automated workflow, both small extension clusters and large-area projects can be planned. The exact locations of the junctions and a detailed material concept for the type and design of the materials are determined during the planning. The planning is carried out down to the street side. It takes into account both technical and natural barriers and includes all network elements from the access point (PoP) to the house connection. As a result we get exact requirement profiles which serve as a basis for a detailed service specification.

All objects in a network are connected to each other through the data model that has been specially developed for planning. This makes it possible, for example, to assign individual optical fibres in a PoP via the distribution network to a house connection. Splicing plans are then created from the fibre concept. Interfaces to other formats, such as the GIS regulations of the German Federal Promotional Programme, allow consistent conformity with external requirements. We would be pleased to support you in the transfer of planning data into your system and advise you in the selection of a documentation system tailored to your needs.

Planning services according to HOAI

We support you, in particular, during the planning phases of “Genehmigungs- und Ausführungsplanungen“, but also in the technical part of the tendering procedure for the construction work, the supervision of the constructions, and the property management for your broadband project. After all approvals from municipal, federal and state authorities have been obtained, it is necessary to find a suitable partner for the civil engineering work. During the entire expansion process, compliance with the technical specifications must be monitored. After the construction work has been finished, fibre optic networks will be supervised and continuously checked for possible errors.

Together with us, your expansion ideas are in the right hands.

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