Fiber Optics as a Business Model for Municipal Utilities
The goal of the broadband expansion of the federal and state governments is to supply all households in Germany with fiber optic by 2025. At present, the supply rate is just 6%. We see great potential here for municipal utilities to enter a new business segment or, if already existing, to expand it. The german Messstellenbetriebsgesetz (MsbG) also requires the use of intelligent metering systems. Metering point operation can be realised via fibre optics.
The fiber optic development opens up completely new options for municipal utilities:
• Entry into a new fiber optic business model for broadband supply to businesses, schools and private households
• Reading of smart meters according to the german Messstellenbetriebsgesetz (MsbG)
• Development of a WLAN offer for your area
Together with you, MICUS develops the right strategy for the expansion of the fibre optic network in your community.
With the right strategy from planning to operation
The role of public utilities
The broadband market basically has three levels of value creation. Together with you, we develop a strategy for your municipal utilities to position in the value chain.
Infrastructure provider
Civil engineering
Empty conduits
Network elements
Active technology
Internet provision
Importance of cooperations
Cooperation with service providers is necessary for extensive participation in the value chain. We can put you in touch with service providers and support you in drawing up contracts for marketing your infrastructures.
Fibre optics pays off!
The business areas of a municipal utility can be sensibly expanded with the broadband business. It fits in with the existing fields.
Supply existing customers with new products and win new customers. With the fibre-optic network expansion, you can use the unique position of the municipal utilities and apply your existing expertise and infrastructure in a further business area. You can also benefit from the fibre-optic expansion in other areas, such as reading smart meters or setting up a WLAN offering.
Profitability analysis
The business cases we have developed provide you with a sound basis for your decision to enter the telecommunications market. With the help of our tools, both initial profitability analyses and detailed business plans can be drawn up, taking into account all relevant cost and revenue items. Due to the large number of variables taken into account as well as differentiated considerations of temporal developments, the forecasts can be individually aligned to the particular case. All necessary information can be captured at a glance and adjusted in real time. This provides you with an optimal template for your committee meetings, which can significantly accelerate decision-making. We would be pleased to support you in this process.
Please feel free to contact us anytime!